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Issue 2 - 17 January 2025

WA Sport Awards | 2024 May Campbell Medallists Announced

Three remarkable individuals will be celebrated for their unwavering commitment and decades of service to WA sport, with the trio set to receive the May Campbell Medal in recognition of their distinguished service, when every level of sport gathers at Optus Stadium on Thursday 6 February for the annual WA Sport Awards.

Penelope (Penny) Tanner-Hoath (Football), Helen Robinson (Netball) and Vicki Delves (Triathlon) will be honoured at Western Australia’s most prestigious sports awards, after contributing combined service of more than a century to sport in the WA community.

With less than 100 tickets available, be sure to purchase your tickets online and join us for what will be an incredible night, celebrating the WA sporting community.

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SportWest Deputy Chair Announced

SportWest are thrilled to announce Sophie Row as the new Deputy Chair of the SportWest Board.

Sophie's extensive experience and passion for community sport make her a valuable addition to our leadership team.

Together, with our Chair Liam Twigger and dedicated SportWest Board, we look forward to driving positive change and championing the power of sport in Western Australia.

Meet our Board

Sport and Recreation Events Funding Program


The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) is pleased to announce that the Sport and Recreation Events Funding Program is NOW open for a new round as of Monday 13 January 2025.

This round is aimed for projects beginning from 1 July 2025 – 31 December 2025.

The Sport and Recreation Events Funding Program is designed to provide financial support to assist sport and active recreation organisations to plan, secure and deliver sport and mass participation events in Western Australia.

The objectives of the Sport and Recreation Events Funding Program are to:

  • Build the capacity and capability of the sport and recreation workforce and volunteers to plan, secure and/or deliver quality sport and active recreation events.
  • Provide opportunities for talented Western Australian athletes, coaches and officials to participate at a national and/or international level in their home environment.
  • Provide opportunities for the general public to participate in sport and/or active recreation events.
  • Provide opportunities for regional Western Australians to experience and conduct major sporting events and sport development initiatives in a regional location. 

For further information and to view the grant guidelines, click the link below.

Find out more

Annual Diversity & Inclusion in Sport Forum | Belonging in Sport

Last chance to buy your online tickets for the 2025 Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Alliance Forum!

Get a group together, grab the coffees and hear from inspirational diversity and inclusion experts and change makers to discuss how sport can use ‘belonging’ as a framework for greater inclusion of Australia’s diverse communities.

Discounted tickets available for community volunteers – tickets close Sunday 19 January.

Find out more

Sideline Behaviour | Downloadable Resources

As sport starts up again following the summer break, it’s an important time to remind people that poor behaviour in and around our sporting environments is not ok.

Starting to tackle behavioural change can be as simple as creating awareness of a zero-tolerance environment.

The True Sport Sideline Behaviour Posters are an excellent resource that can be tailored to your sport and community to be a visual aid in what behavioural standards your club or organisation expects.

Download the editable posters today, or reach out to the True Sport team for support in customising a resource.

View the Resources

Hon. Roger Cook | Premier; Minister for State and Industry Development, Jobs and Trade; Public Sector Management; Federal-State Relations
$9 million boost for Cable Beach redevelopment

Hon. Rita Saffioti | Deputy Premier; Treasurer; Minister for Transport; Tourism

Major boost for Perth's walking and riding infrastructure
Regional Bike Network to expand by more than 140km across WA
Nearly $600,000 for new Kalgoorlie walking and cycling paths

Hon. Don Punch | Minister for Regional Development; Disability Services; Fisheries; Seniors and Ageing; Volunteering
Albany artificial reef project making waves

Hon. Dr Tony Buti | Minister for Education; Aboriginal Affairs; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests
School-based recreation centre receives $3.5 million funding boost

Athletics West

Chief Operating Officer

Baseball WA

Regional Servicing Officer

Equestrian WA

Chief Executive Officer

Fencing WA

Events and Communication Contractor

Perth Football League 

Marketing and Communications Officer

Perth Wildcats

Partnership Co-ordinator

Financial Accountant

Rowing WA

Member Services Manager


Match Officials Coordinator

WA Cricket

Sous Chef

Participation Officer

West Coast Eagles

Content and Media Coordinator

If you have a position you would like to post, please email SportWest.

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